
It is a simple process to donate to the DPAG Society.

If you are considering a donation to DPAGS and would like more information, please contact:

bequeathing a gift to the dunedin public art gallery society

It is a simple process to leave a gift in your will.

When you are preparing a new will or updating an existing one, include a bequest to the Dunedin Public Art Gallery Society (registered charity number CC25636).

The following wording is a guide when leaving a gift – please complete and make choices:

I give and bequeath to the Dunedin Public Art Gallery Society Incorporated (registered charity number CC25636):

___ the residue of my estate

___ percentage of my estate

___ cash gift

___ other assets (e.g. property, shares, art work, etc)

I would like this gift when received to benefit:

____ General Purpose (to be used at the discretion of the DPAGS Council)

____ Educational Purposes

____ For acquisitions for the Dunedin Public Art Gallery’s permanent collection

I would like this gift to be in honour/in memory of ________________________

A receipt given on behalf of the Dunedin Public Art Gallery Society will be a complete discharge to my trustees for the bequest.

If you are considering a legacy to DPAGS and would like more information, please contact: